Terraria Servers are up!
Terraria Servers are Up!
This round of voting is now over and the Terraria servers are up! Join me on Thursdays and Saturdays for our boss fight streams at https://twitch.tv/fergenbergel
Server Information
IP addresses and additional information can be found on the Terraria Server Page.
Mods and Addons
TShock has been installed for some commands, and protections. Otherwise the servers have Vanilla content, no mods.
Server Side Characters
Characters are saved to the servers, all gear/progression must be made on Aberrant Winds servers or it will not transfer over. This is to prevent cheesing and bringing outside gear into the fresh servers, potentially ruining the experience for others.
Servers will come online as certain benchmarks are met.
- Enter Hardmode on Gentle Breeze
- Kill Plantera on Chilling Wind to unlock
Your inventory will sync between all Aberrant Winds servers. You can bring your gear from the Classic Server to the Expert/Master server and vice versa.
Periodically, events will be enabled, such as Christmas and Halloween.
I stream at 12 noon EST on Saturdays and around 8pm EST on Thursdays. Join us for some boss battles!
In addition to the regular Aberrant Winds rules; I expect players to behave in a friendly manner, I will not tolerate toxicity, griefing, retaliation, etc. Punishments may range from mutes to bans. This is a cooperative community.